Saturday 25 April 2009

FK.UK on Twitter

FK.UK is now on Twitter!

The plan is to use it for the latest updates from the world of FK.UK, Associates and friends.

e.g. The latest updates with regards to:

Courses and Workshops
Links to resources


So...if you would like to be kept up-to-date and informed of what is happening, there are a few different ways of checking out the updates.

Of course, the main way is to follow FK.UK on Twitter - on there as FKUK. This way you will of course be able to take full advantage of Twitter technology and reply to the updates, etc.

Otherwise - some of you may have noticed the Twitter updates right hand side of this blog. All updates will be fed through here to the blog too, so you will be able to see what is happening by checking here regularly.

You can also follow the updates using the "Follow me on Twitter" link you will see to the right, below the updates. This will take you to the following page: - where you can set up an RSS feed if you wish.

Hope that all makes sense. If you have any questions, post them to comments.

Looking forward to making use of this new-fangled technology!

Saturday 4 April 2009

CrossFit Reading Kettlebell Workshop

Want to sharpen up your current KB skills?

Learn some new KB movements?

Find out about how KBs can be used to help you achieve your functional fitness goals?:
Fat loss

Check out the Kettlebell workshop being held by FK.UK Associate CrossFit Reading.

To maintain quality of coaching places are limited so get your names down ASAP.

See above for contact details for Andy at CrossFit Reading.

Or express your interest here:

See you there.