Monday 29 June 2009

Introducing the FK.UK Daily Workout

FK.UK, Britain's fastest growing and best functional fitness site is proud to announce that starting Wednesday we will be bringing you an FK.UK Daily Workout.

The format will be designed so each workout takes roughly an hour to complete, sometimes less, rarely longer and will encompass a buy in phase, a strength or skill based section followed by a conditioning routine and then some relatively easy challenges to act as a cash-out. There is no prescribed warm-up, do whatever you feel you require to get you ready to perform. We will be incorporating activities like cycling and swimming in addition to the running/rowing we all currently perform, but substitutions will be posted in the event that you don't have access to a pool or bike.

The regular schedule will be 2 on, 1 off, 3 on, 1 off with the rest days as active rest meaning you do something less strenuous like flexibility work or some accuracy drills. This schedule is altered slightly for the first week to reflect the mid-week nature of the start (and the fact that Wednesday would normally be the designated rest day)

The Workouts should be posted the lunchtime the day prior to their completion in order that you can hopefully arrange to have the required equipment (so you could also do them ahead of time if you wished). Potential equipment (not mandatory obviously) includes sand bags, tyres, sledge hammers and the like in addition to the regular barbells, pull-up bars, rings and ropes but substitutions will be suggested in case you don't have access to these tools.

Scaling will be incorporated into the workout and each conditioning routine will have a goal effect which will determine how you scale. For example, if we want to work on a purely metabolic level we would have a workout that lasts 5 minutes or less at high intensity; a conditioning routine looking for muscular endurance might be scheduled to last anywhere between 7 and 15 minutes. You can scale reps or weights as you see fit based on recommendations from our team of trainers so that you finish in the time domain required.

The first workout will be posted on Tuesday for Wednesday. The first week involves max effort testing to determine the 3 or 1 rep max (depending on training history and experience) for use in scaled workouts. This will be re-evaluated on a regular basis.

Obviously you don't have to follow the DW, there are many other fine workouts you could do instead, we just felt it was high time this site started to post a workout so we can compare notes and create a workout regime that hopefully fits all members needs.

This blog site will have detailed workout descriptions and a discussion topic for each will be created over on the FK.UK boards so we can discuss the workout and compare results. If you aren't already a member of the boards then follow the link to create an account.

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