Tuesday 30 June 2009

Testing Protocols

To kick off the FK Daily Workout (FK.DW) we will be running some tests to determine max strength for specific lifts. The protocols for this vary depending on your experience as a lifter. Whilst we want to use your single rep maximum numbers for scaling, in some cases it is dangerous and downright irresponsible to test for these using the absolute method.

Test method 1 (novice lifters/those lifting for less than 1 year)
1: Perform any required warm-up sets.
2: Estimate your 5 rep max lift and perform 3 reps at that weight
3: Add weight as required perform 3 more reps
4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you cannot perform 3 reps at the current weight
5: If you fail at a set you may repeat the attempt at that weight 2 more times. If you fail, take the last weight at which three good reps were achieved and note it. If you achieve the weight on a subsequent attempt you may attempt a higher weight or you can use the last weight as your 3 rep max.
6: Use the 1 RM calculator found here to determine your 1 Rep max for the lift (link is safe for work and home)

Test Method 2 (Intermediate/Advanced lifters)
1: Perform any required warm-up sets.
2: Estimate your 3 rep max lift and perform 1 rep at that weight
3: Add weight as required perform 1 more reps
4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you cannot perform a single rep at the current weight
5: If you fail at a set you may repeat the attempt at that weight 2 more times. If you fail, take the last weight at which the last good rep was achieved and note it. If you achieve the weight on a subsequent attempt you may attempt a higher weight or you can use the last weight as your 1 rep max.

Body Weight Exercise protocols
Body weight exercises are tested on a single attempt, no rest method to muscular failure. Any prolonged pause will constitute a failure.
Example: Push-up testing - Assume the push-up position and commence. Continue until no more push-ups are possible. Any rest on the knees, in the lower or plank positions constitute a fail.
Example: Pull-Ups: Kipping is allowed. Perform a many pull-ups (chin over the bar) as possible. Any rest at hang or coming off the bar constitutes a fail.

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