Thursday 14 January 2010

FK.DW Friday 150110


Snatch Progressions

Snatch Pull 2x3
Starting in the snatch get-set position, initiate the first and second pull of the lift, extending at the hips and pulling the bar up to the chest. An excellent demonstration can be found here (courtesy Catalyst Athletics)

Snatch balance 2x3
Starting in a standing position, bar across the back as in a squat with hands in the snatch grip, feet in the "pulling position" (shoulder width, toes slightly out). Dip and drive the bar and drop into the receive position, extending the arms to the overhead squat position. Again, a video can be found at Catalyst Athletics.

Snatch 3, 3, 1, 1
Perform a full squat snatch. Remember, this is about technique so you don't have to go for a max rep here, just get the patterns down tight.

Four Rounds for Time of;
Run 400m
15 Chin-Up

We are aiming for a sub-12 minute effort here. Use jumping or band/assisted chin-ups as required.

A chin up has a supinated grip (your palms are facing towards you) using more biceps than a pull-up which has a pronated grip (hands away) and also works the shoulder girdle and back, making it a far more effective (and functional) exercise than the biceps curl!

Flexibility and cool down

Post times to FK.UK

Have fun!