Friday 15 January 2010

FK.DW Saturday 160110


30 Second Wall toss test - with reaction ball
The addition of the reaction ball makes this test of coordination a lot more difficult. If you don't have a reaction ball, use a tennis ball as usual.

Week 1 Day 1: Strength Workout A

Squat: 3x5
Press: 3x3
Deadlift: 3x3

You can choose one weight per exercise and try for the full range of sets with that weight (e.g. 130 Kg squat for all three sets), or you can start at a weight and if you complete the set, increase the weight for the next set.

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets

Optional Conditioning
This one is entirely up to you. If you feel like adding some more conditioning work in then do the routine below. If not, move on to the cool-down and call it for the day.

2 rounds for time of;
Sledge Hammer Strikes x 15 (change hands each round)
Kettlebell Pulls x 30 m
Medicine ball slams x 15

For a Kettlebell pull, attach a 10 metre rope or strap to the handle and run out to the length of the rope. Turn and pull the kettlebell towards you in a hand over hand fashion. Once the kettlebell has reached you, turn and run again. Repeat until you have travelled 30 metres.

Flexibility and cool down
Spend some time stretching and using the foam roller to release any knots and tension in the muscle.

Post weights to FK.UK

Have fun!

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