Wednesday, 30 September 2009

FK.DW Thursday 011009

Buy In
Max double-unders in 3 minutes

Front Squat 5x3

AMRAP 15 minutes
5 Pull-Up
10 Ring Dip
15 Box Jump

Cash Out
ladder agility drills

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Monday, 28 September 2009

FK.DW Tuesday 290909

Buy In
Planche progressions - 2 minutes hold

Deadlift 3x5

Run 30 minutes for distance

Cash Out
PNF stretching and foam roller work

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Sunday, 27 September 2009

FK.DW Monday 280909

Buy In
Wide grip dead hang pull-up: 2x5
Hand Stand Push Up: 2x5

Press 5x3

Five (5) rounds for time of:
Run 250m
15 Overhead Squat
15 Push-Up

Cash Out
Balance Drills
  • Stand on 1 foot with foot flat on the ground for 30 seconds
  • Stand on the same foot on your toes for 30 seconds
  • Bring up the knee of the free foot and kick out to the front. Repeat for 10 kicks
  • Hold the free leg out behind for 30 seconds
  • Hold the free leg out in front for 30 seconds
Repeat with the other leg.

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Friday, 25 September 2009

FK.DW Saturday 260909

Buy In
Single leg Box Jumps: 2 x 10

Overhead squat: 3x3

Run 250m
20 Hammer Swing to tyre (or equivalent)
20 Jumping Jacks
Run 250m
15 Hammer Swing to tyre (or equivalent)
15 Jumping Jacks
Run 250m
10 Hammer Swing to tyre (or equivalent)
10 Jumping Jacks

Cash Out
10 consecutive double unders
For every miss - 3 burpees
If you miss, your counter starts again at zero!

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

FK.DW Friday 250909

Buy In
Hand stand work - 1 minute inverted

Deadlift: 5x1

Cycle 10K or Run 3K

Cash Out
Max push-ups 2 minutes

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

FK.DW Thursday 240909

Singles lifts again today so remember - unless you are an experienced lifter substitute sets of 3 instead and extrapolate to your single rep max.

Buy In
5 power clean
5 power snatch

Press: 5x1

Using the same kettlebell/dumbell/weight plate for each movement and for time;
Lunges with overhead hold
American Swings
Figure 8 to hold (1L and 1R constitutes 1 rep)

A demonstration video of the figure 8 to hold can be found at this youtube link.

Cash Out
Max sit-ups in 1 minute

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Monday, 21 September 2009

FK.DW Tuesday 220909

Buy In

Bench Press 3x8

For total time:
Tyre Flips x 10
then AMRAP 20
Srint 20m
Hammer Strikes x 15
Sprint 20m
Box Jumps x 15

then Tyre flips x 10

Compare to 220809 (and check for substitutions)

Cash Out
Basketball free-throw x25
Every missed throw = 5 Push-Ups

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Sunday, 20 September 2009

FK.DW Monday 210909

This week sees some max lift testing again to help you determine if you are making progress with your training. As always, if you are an experienced lifter, having been lifting for a while you can do the workouts as listed as singles attempts; if not, do sets of three and extrapolate the values from there.

Train smart, Train safe!

Buy In
Max dead hang wide grip pull-up

Squats: 5x1

20-15-10 for time of;
Hand stand Push Up
Box Jump

Cash Out
Max dead hang wide grip pull-up (repeat the buy in and compare the results)

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Friday, 18 September 2009

FK.DW Saturday 190909

Today we will be looking at the September FUBAR as provided by FK.UK associate "The Box" in Derby. The FUBAR is an exceedingly tough workout and not for everyone; it is a test of mental fortitude as well as of physical strength and ability.

The official "FUBAR" allows for no scaling, however we realise that not everyone is physically capable of performing the tasks required so if necessary scale the weight used for the deadlifts but make sure to note it.

FUBAR Sept 09
For time perform
20 Push-ups/20 BW Deadlift/20 Air Squat
19 Push-ups/20 BW Deadlift/19 Air Squat
18 Push-ups/20 BW Deadlift/18 Air Squat
down to....
2 Push-ups/20 BW Deadlift/2 Air Squat
1 Push-ups/20 BW Deadlift/1 Air Squat
Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

FK.DW Friday 180909

Buy In
Snatch Drops x 5

Overhead Squat 5 x 3

Each minute on the minute perform 3 rounds of the barbell bear complex @50% body weight
Power Clean
Front Squat
Back Squat

Cash Out

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

FK.DW Thursday 170909

Buy In
Planche Progressions (1 minute hold)

Weighted Pull-ups 5x5
Weighted Dips 5x5

Hill Sprints. 1 mile total up-hill distance

Cash Out

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Monday, 14 September 2009

FK.DW Tuesday 150909

Buy In
Muscle-up progressions x 10

5 x (1xPower Clean + 5xPress)

Power clean the weight, press it 5 times then ower the weight. Repeat for 5 reps.

BW Back Squat

Scale the weight so you can finish the first 20 squats unbroken. Target time is 4-7 minutes or below.

Cash Out
PNF Stretching and foam roller work

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Sunday, 13 September 2009

FK.DW Monday 140909

Buy In
Squat Clean x10

Deadlift 5x3

Tabata protocol (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest - repeat 8 times) of
Press @ 25% max
GHD Sit-up
Back Extension

If you don't have access to a GHD substitute regular sit-ups and supermans/good mornings

Cash Out
Press-up. Max in 90 seconds

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Friday, 11 September 2009

FK.DW Saturday 120909

Buy In
2 x 10 deadhang Pull-Up

Squats x 20
Use your 15 rep max amount or bodyweight, whichever is higher and work for 20 reps.

Cash Out
Handstand hold - 1 minute

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Thursday, 10 September 2009

FK.DW Friday 110909

The conditioning today uses the Fight Gone Bad timing method from Crossfit. For each station, perform 1 minute of work, counting reps. At the end of the circuit, rest for 1 minute then repeat. Count reps per set, total reps per exercise and total reps per workout.

Buy In
L-Sit Hold progression - 1 minute

Push Press 3x5

3 rounds for time of
Sumo Deadlift High Pull - 1 min
Push Press - 1 min
Box Jump - 1 min
Double Unders - 1 min
Rest - 1 min

Use a weight that allows a fairly constant movement across SDHP and push press.

Cash Out

Post weights and totals to FK.UK

Have fun!

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

FK.DW Thursday 100909

Buy In
Acceleration Drills - 5x20m (with tyre/Resistance chute if available)

Deadlift 2x10

5 Rounds for time of;
65m sandbag carry (bear hug hold) w/tyre drag if available
15 sandbag thrusters

The sandbag should be around 15-20Kgs.

Cash Out
Ladder Agility Drills

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Monday, 7 September 2009

FK.DW Tuesday 080909

Buy In
Burgener Progressions and BWLA Drops

Front Squat 2x10

Run 10K

Cash Out
Skipping: 100 Singles - 50 Doubles - 100 Singles

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Sunday, 6 September 2009

FK.DW Monday 070909

Buy In
Run 250 m
Box Jumps x 15

Press 2x10

25-15-10 for time of;
Kettlebell Swings (Men: 16Kg/Women: 12Kg)
Burpees (Gold Standard)

Compare to 140709

Cash Out
30 second wall toss test - left and right hand

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have Fun!

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Friday, 4 September 2009

FK.DW Saturday 050909

We will be working on the muscle up progressions today. Some consider them to be a test of muscular strength, others nothing more than a party trick but either way, working towards them has great benefit to both pulling and pushing strength. If you already have a muscle up, keep working them to try to get more; if you can only kip them muscle up, take this time to work on developing a dead hang version which is a far harder proposition - as you can see from the progressions below, Coach Sommer considers the kipping MU to be only one step above the jumping variety and not even as hard as a dead hang kneeling or seated version!

Buy In
Farmer's Walk 2 x 40 metres (left arm out, right arm home)

Clean and Jerk 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1
Again, add weight to each set and finish with three strong singles

4 rounds for time
15 strict press @ 40% max
15 Wall Ball

Aiming for a sub-5 minute effort here.

Cash Out
Muscle Up progression
(Negative MU/Jumping MU/Kipping MU/Kneeling MU/Seated MU/Dead Hang MU)

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun

Thursday, 3 September 2009

FK.DW Friday 040909

Buy In
5 minutes punch bag work using only arm strikes.

Try to keep the movement fluid, concentrating on 3-5 strike combinations.

Snatch, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1
increasing weight each set then finishing with some singles. Use the full squat or split varieties NOT power snatches.

50/50 OHS: 50 Overhead squat at 50% max (or 50% body weight, whichever is lighter).

Record the time and number of sets required to complete the exercise. Any racking or dropping of the weight constitutes the end of a set.

Cash Out
Planche Progressions
These will be more difficult due to the work put in by the shoulder girdle during the strength and conditioning sections of the workout. Just do your best today.

Post weights, reps and times to FK.UK

Have Fun!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

FK.DW Thursday 030909

We are aiming for a 9-12 minute window on the conditioning routine today so either adjust the number of rounds or reps accordingly. One other way to ensure you finish within the time frame is to set a countdown for the 12 minutes and if you have not finished when the watch beeps then stop and record the number of rounds completed; In effect the workout becomes an AMRAP effort and self-scales itself.

Buy In
Waiter Walk 2 x 40 metres (left arm out for 40 metres, right arm home)
To perform the walk, hold a weight overhead with the arm extended (as in this image from the FAQ)

Deadlift 3x5

10 rounds for time of;
10 Pull-Up
10 Push-Up
10 Jumping Lunge

To perform the jumping lunge, start in the lunge position, jump up into the air and switch legs so you land with the opposite foot forward. Each Jump is 1 rep so a set of 10 equals 5 left foot and five right foot jumps.

Cash Out
Dot Drills

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have Fun