Sunday 5 July 2009

FK.DW 060709

So the testing is done and we have our baselines which should help us determine the best weights to use for our strength and conditioning routines. By using certain percentages we can be sure to elicit the desired physiological response that may not be the case if a definite weight is specified; it may be too heavy or too light for an athlete so may have an entirely different effect to that planned.

The strength component is a 5 sets of 3 reps system. You can approach this in one of two ways - ascending or constant weight. Ascending means you start at a relatively heavy weight and add weight to each subsequent set, aiming to finish at just over your previous 3 rep max lift (around 90% of your 1RM). The constant weight has you starting with a weight just under your 3 RM and sticking with that weight across sets. The constant weight version takes a huge physiological toll and is only recommended for advanced lifters. For everyone else, the ascending sets approach works just fine and will show strength gains across the board.
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Burgener Snatch Progression (video here)

Back Squat 5x3

4 rounds for time:
15 Lunges
15 Pull-Up
15 Ring Dip

We are looking for an effect on conditioning and muscular endurance so aim to finish in under 9 minutes. Scale reps or rounds as required.

Cash Out

Handstand Practise

Post weights, times and any comments or questions to the discussion topic found here

Have fun!

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