Thursday 16 July 2009

FK.DW Friday 170709

Today's workout calls for a tractor tyre, but don't worry, if you don't have a tyre you can still take part.

A tractor tyre is an excellent tool for conditioning work; the shape is non-standard which means you have to adjust your grip and stance to move it which means it more accurately simulates a challenge you might find in the real word better than an evenly balanced, consistently shaped barbell might.

If you don't have a tyre but want to get one they can be found fairly easily and cheaply with a short search on the web or, better yet, your local yellow pages. Some people are charging stupid money for an old tyre but many farmers have a ready supply of old and worn tractor tyres and are often willing to part with the tyre for a nominal fee - you are actually helping them out because otherwise the tyre just sits in their yard or they have to pay to have them disposed of.

Buy In
Burgener Progression

Clean and Jerk 5x2

Tyre Flips x 10

Sprint 20m
Hammer Strikes x 15
Sprint 20m
Box Jumps (on to tyre rim) x 15

Tyre Flips x 10

If you don't have a tyre, substitute 10 power cleans with press for the flips. Use a regular box jump and for the Hammer Strikes substitute the "slasher to halo" exercise as demonstrated in this video courtesy of Mountain Athlete.

Cash Out
Snatch Drops x 5

Post weights and times to comments or the FK.UK discussion thread.

Have Fun!

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