Monday 13 July 2009

FK.DW Tuesday 140709

If you read any mass market fitness magazine, "blasting the core" is the one way guaranteed to get you abs of steel and make you an object of desire to the opposite sex (or even the same sex if that's your preference)! Of course we all know that is a load of rubbish; spot flab reduction is impossible and core isolation exercises are redundant - almost all truly functional exercises require the athlete to stabilise the core, giving it a good workout no matter what.

Tuesday's conditioning routine involves two movements that are guaranteed to work the core - in addition to pretty much every other part of the body! The Kettlebell swing/burpee combination here will work pretty much every muscle in the body and at the same time will give us that metabolic hit we are looking for.

Burpees are Gold Standard which means the press-up part is chest to floor, feet are flat on the floor at the beginning and end of the squat thrust and the hands clap over head with a fully open hip on the jump.

Swings are "American" style which means the bell must come to a stop overhead with the head "through the window".

Buy In
L-Sit Progression

Press 5x3

Kettlebell Swings @ 16 Kg
Burpees (GS)

Time domain is 3-7 minutes so scale the weight if required or change the reps to 16-12-8 to ensure you finish in that time. Of course if you are quicker than 3 minutes, good job!

Cash Out
Double Unders - Max in 2 minutes

Post weights and times to comments or on the FK.UK forum.

Have fun!

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