Sunday 19 July 2009

FK.DW Monday 200709

Slightly longer conditioning routine than normal today to work on the stamina a little harder. In the recent CrossFit games, several competitors had problems with the first event - a 7.1 KM cross country run. Admittedly the terrain was very rough with some steep hills, but 7.1 KM is not that great a distance and anyone who claims to be the "Fittest Man/Woman in the world" should be able to cope with this with minimal fuss. Trouble is, many of us blow off those longer runs when posted, preferring instead to do the shorter, heavier routines. This leaves us with a large hole in our fitness arsenal and needs to be addressed.

The conditioning today involves a run, then a bike ride followed by another run. None of the distances are excessive, but you will soon find that the fatigue caused by a run is different to that caused by the bike. Many people think the skills are immediately transferable - a CV improvement through running will benefit cycling, but many studies have shown this is not the case, so by combining the disciplines we aim to get the best of both worlds.

Buy In
L-Sit Progressions

Press 5x3

Run 2.5 Km
Cycle 10 KM
Run 2.5 Km
If you don't have a bike - 10K run!)

Cash out
Balance drills (see this post for instructions)

Publish weights/times/comments to FuncKey.

Have Fun

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