Tuesday 21 July 2009

FK.DW Wednesday 220709

Rest Day

Stretch out your tired muscles. The CrossFit San Francisco blog has many useful stretching exercises from Kelly Starrett which are worth checking out.

Another thing to consider - the point of functional training is that we eschew isolation exercises, concentrating on the synergistic relationship of the muscles in the compound exercises. Should stretching be any different? Why concentrate on a hamstring stretch when surely it would be more beneficial to concentrate on stretching into a squat position? This would simultaneously lengthen the hamstrings, work the quads and the lumbar regions at the same time. Compound stretching - it's the way forward!


Unknown said...

I hate stretching - practically never bother. Just tend to so some shoulder dislocates and A2G air squat stretches before and after training, seems to do the trick.

GU1 Strength and Conditioning said...

Same here to be honest. Stretching just never works for me, which was why I use the compound stretch method. Get in the positions I need for movement and work around the range of motion.
I do use the foam roller and tennis balls to target specific problem areas though and find that to be extremely useful.