Introducing Zercher walks today - named after the squat variation created by Ed Zercher (1902-1995). The Zercher squat involves holding the bar in the crrok of the elbows rather than the hands or on the shoulders. Holding a bar like this isn't easy but it does emphasise the need for good posture or else you will just dump the bar as you move forward. has a good article on the Zercher Squat here (links are WFS as of time of posting).
Buy In
Power Snatch x 5
Squat 3x5
AMRAP 15 minutes
40m Zercher Walk
10 Sit-up
10 Back Extensions
To perform the Zercher walk, hold the bar in the crook of the arm (as in a Zercher Squat) and simply walk. Mark out a 20 metre course so you have to turn, rather than one 40 metre course. Be careful on the turn though; the bar means you have a wide radius so make sure there are no obstacles or things you can break!
Weight wise, choose a weight that is about 50% of your over head squat weight.
Cash Out
Balance Drills
- Stand on 1 foot with foot flat on the ground for 30 seconds
- Stand on the same foot on your toes for 30 seconds
- Bring up the knee of the free foot and kick out to the front. Repeat for 10 kicks
- Hold the free leg out behind for 30 seconds
- Hold the free leg out in front for 30 seconds
Repeat with the other leg.
Post weights and times to FK.UK
Have fun!