Monday, 31 August 2009

FK.DW Tuesday 010909

Introducing Zercher walks today - named after the squat variation created by Ed Zercher (1902-1995). The Zercher squat involves holding the bar in the crrok of the elbows rather than the hands or on the shoulders. Holding a bar like this isn't easy but it does emphasise the need for good posture or else you will just dump the bar as you move forward. has a good article on the Zercher Squat here (links are WFS as of time of posting).

Buy In
Power Snatch x 5

Squat 3x5

AMRAP 15 minutes
40m Zercher Walk
10 Sit-up
10 Back Extensions

To perform the Zercher walk, hold the bar in the crook of the arm (as in a Zercher Squat) and simply walk. Mark out a 20 metre course so you have to turn, rather than one 40 metre course. Be careful on the turn though; the bar means you have a wide radius so make sure there are no obstacles or things you can break!

Weight wise, choose a weight that is about 50% of your over head squat weight.

Cash Out
Balance Drills
  • Stand on 1 foot with foot flat on the ground for 30 seconds
  • Stand on the same foot on your toes for 30 seconds
  • Bring up the knee of the free foot and kick out to the front. Repeat for 10 kicks
  • Hold the free leg out behind for 30 seconds
  • Hold the free leg out in front for 30 seconds
Repeat with the other leg.

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Sunday, 30 August 2009

FK.DW Monday 310809

Have a great Bank Holiday - doesn't mean it's a reason to slack off on the workouts though!

Buy in
Run 250m
15 Box Jump

Press 3x5

30 Burpee to Power Cleans for time
Perform a burpee but instead of a jump, perform a power clean with 50% of your max Power Clean. You can keep both hands on the bar at all times, which means the push-up is chest to bar rather than chest to floor.

Cash Out
Planche Progressions

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have fun!

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Friday, 28 August 2009

FK.DW Saturday 290809

Yep, we're still all at the summer camp, making the most of the sunshine (there's sunshine???). We'll surely be thinking of you as we play hooverball on the beach!

Buy In
5x20m acceleration sprints (use a drag tyre or sled if you have one)

OHS 3's
Front Squat 3's
Back Squat 3's

Today's strength work has a large element of conditioning work built in. Starting with an Overhead squat at 70% of your max OHS, perform 3 reps. Add 5 kilos and repeat. Continue on until you can no longer complete 3 reps overhead and instantly move on to Front Squat for 3 reps at that weight. Keep adding the weight to the front squat until you can't manage three reps then move on to back squat.
The workout is over when you can no longer complete 3 reps of back squat.
Record the weights and sets completed for each squat variation.

Cash Out
Agility ladder drills

Post weights and sets to FK.UK

Have fun!

Thursday, 27 August 2009

FK.DW Friday 280809

Most of the FK Moderation and Admin team are making their way to Cornwall today for the FK.UK summer camp in Newquay for a weekend of fun and relaxation but because we care, we are still posting the workouts for those of you that can't join us.

Buy In
Skipping: 3 minutes/300 skips/150 Double Unders - whichever is faster

Snatch: 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
C&J: 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Pick a starting weight and do 5 reps. Aim to add 2.5-5 Kg to each subsequent rep and perform singles.

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of;
5 Ring Dip
10 Pull-Up
15 Box Jump

Cash Out
Planche Progressions

Post weights and times to FK.UK

have Fun!

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

FK.DW Thursday 270809

Today's conditioning routine is very similar to one we visited a couple of weeks ago, except now we change the marine push-ups to the much harder hand stand push-ups. You will be surprised at how much difference your full body weight on the hand stand makes to the intensity and time spent on the workout.

Buy In
Planche Progressions

Squat 3x8

For time
15-12-9 reps of
Deadlift @60%
Hand Stand Push-up

Cash Out
Agility Ladder and footspeed drills

Post weights and times to FK.UK

Have Fun!

Monday, 24 August 2009

FK.DW Tuesday 250809

The strength rep scheme has changed up a bit this week. You are doing more reps over the same number of sets so remember to drop the weight to ensure you can complete the sets.

Buy In
Dot drills - Hopscotch x 4, hopscotch with twist x 4, skier x 4
(examples of the above dot drills can be found here (link is safe for work/family. A simple Dot board can be drawn on the floor using chalk or marked out with tape)

Press 3x8

5K Run OR 15K bike ride

Cash Out
Basketball three throws x 25
For every missed shot - 2 burpees

Post weights, times and any comments or questions to the discussion topic found here.

Have fun!

Sunday, 23 August 2009

FK.DW Monday 240809

Back to work this week. Hopefully you made the most of the rest/back off week and are raring to get bacl into it.

Buy In
Suitcase carry - 25Kg/50metres
carry a weight plate in your right hand for 50 metres. Switch hands and return to the start

Deadlift 3x8

4 rounds for time of;
8 thruster @ 50% Max front Squat
Run 250m

Cash Out
Planche Progressions

Post Weights/reps and times to FK.UK

Have Fun

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Friday, 21 August 2009

FK.DW Saturday 220809

This last came up on July 17th. The workout is unchanged so see if you can beat your previous time

Tyre Flips x 10

Sprint 20m
Hammer Strikes x 15
Sprint 20m
Box Jumps (on to tyre rim) x 15

Tyre Flips x 10

If you don't have a tyre, substitute 10 power cleans with press for the flips. Use a regular box jump and for the Hammer Strikes substitute the "slasher to halo" exercise as demonstrated in this video courtesy of Mountain Athlete.

Post times to FK.UK.

Have Fun!

Thursday, 20 August 2009

FK.DW Friday 210809

Strength focused today. As before, either work on technique, go heavy if you feel like it or even take the whole day off!

Deadlift: 5 x 1
Weighted Pull-Up: 5 x 5
Weighted Dip: 5 x 5

Post weights to FK.UK.

Have fun!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

FK.DW Thursday 200809

Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

10 Pull-Up
10 Power Clean @ 60% Max Power Clean
10 KB Swing ! 16 Kg

Post time and weights used to FK.UK

Have fun!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Monday, 17 August 2009

FK.DW Tuesday 180809

Strength work today. As it is our back off week, you can work on technique with lighter weight or you can go heavy and try for a new max.

Note: If you are a novice athlete (less than 1 year lifting or your squat is less than 1.5 x body weight) then work on technique - never go for sets of a one rep max.


Squats 5 x 1
Press 5 x 1

Post weights to FK.UK

Sunday, 16 August 2009

FK.DW Monday 170809

Rest periods are an often overlooked requirement in any training program, especially one as intense as the FK.UK Daily Workout. For that reason this, the eighth week of the programme, is designed to be a less intense back off week. Gone are the buy in and cash-out requirements, and instead of a strength and a conditioning component there will be one or the other.

You have a choice of following these workouts or taking the week off as "active rest", using the days to do a less strenuous task. Even if you choose to do the workouts, you have the choice of hitting them at full speed as usual, or taking them a little easier or lighter and concentrating on technique.

Either way, next week the intensity is ramping back up so make the most of the rest period.

Skip for 2 minutes/rest 1 minute.
Repeat 10 times

Yes this looks easy, but go for as many jumps as you can in the period.

Note jumps per round, total jumps and average per round to FK.UK

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Friday, 14 August 2009

FK.DW Saturday 150809

Today's conditioning is a variation on the bear complex using a sand bag. The weight should be relatively light to allow the reps to be done quickly but with good form. If you don't have a sand bag, you can use a barbell.

Sand bags are a cheap and effective way to train. Using one works both the grip and all stabilising muscles in addition to the actual muscles moving the weight around. This is because the weight is not fixed in place like it would be with a barbell or kettle-bell, the sand is constantly shifting, forcing the body to adapt to keep the bag in place. You can buy pre-filled sand bags online, but we have found the cheapest solution to be a canvas duffel bag, some rubble sacks and a bag of builder's sand, available from any DIY store. Fill the sacks to whatever weight you desire, then add or remove them from the duffel to increase or decrease the intensity of the workout.

Buy in
BWLA/Burgener Warm-up progressions

Sand Bear complex
25 rounds for time of
Front Squat
Back Squat

All movements should be completed without a rest between, so clean to the shoulders then front squat from there. Once you come up from the squat, press the sand bag over the head. Lower to behind the neck and back squat. Press up again and then return to the start position.

Rest between rounds as needed, but try to keep moving throughout each round.

Cash Out
Dot drills.

Post times (and weight of sand bag used) to FK.UK.

Have Fun!

Thursday, 13 August 2009

FK.DW Friday 140809

Buy In
Acceleration Drills - 5 x 20 metre sprint concentrating on exploding from the line and staying low right through the finish . Use resistance such as a tyre or sled if available.

Snatch - 1 x heavy single; 80% of that x 1 x 5
Clean & jerk - 1 x heavy single; 80% x 1 x 5

20-15-10 of;
Front Squat @ 55% max
Ring Dips

Aim for around 10 minutes today so scale as required.

Cash Out
Planche Progression - 1 minute hold

Post weights and times to FK.UK.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

FK.DW Thursday 130809

Lots of deadlifts work today so make sure the form is dialed in or you will feel it in your back tomorrow!

Buy In
Skipping - Max reps 2 mins

Deadlift 3x5

"Death by Deadlift"
With a continuously running clock do one Deadlift at 60% of your max lift the first minute, two the second minute, three the third minute etc; continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Cash Out
Max Pull-Ups in 2 minutes

Post weights and highest reps to FK.UK.

Have Fun!

Monday, 10 August 2009

FK.DW Tuesday 110809

The conditioning routine today may look easy but don't let it fool you - it's tough. Set your timer to countdown two minutes and run as fast as you can away from your gym/workout locale. When the timer expires, turn around and run back then move straight into the lifts (set the bar up first!). Once you have completed the lifts, repeat the two minute run. Try to go in the same direction and see if you can match the original distance before the timer expires once again.

Buy In
Snatch 3@75% max

Press 3x5

Run for 2 minutes. Turn around and run back
5 x Power Clean
10 x Squat Clean
15 x Front Squat
Run for 2 minutes. Turn around and run back
(use 75% max power clean)

Cash Out
Balance Drills #1
  • Stand on 1 foot with foot flat on the ground for 30 seconds
  • Stand on the same foot on your toes for 30 seconds
  • Bring up the knee of the free foot and kick out to the front. Repeat for 10 kicks
  • Hold the free leg out behind for 30 seconds
  • Hold the free leg out in front for 30 seconds
Repeat with the other leg.

Post weights and times to the FK Daily Workout forum.

Have Fun!

Sunday, 9 August 2009

FK.DW Monday 100809

Carrying on with the planche progressions this week and sticking with the sets of 5 on the weighted sections.

Buy In
10 x 50-60cm (20-24") Box Jumps

Squat 3x5

4 rounds for time of;
10 Push Press @ 70% max Press
10 L-Sit Pull-Ups
10 GHD Sit-Ups

We are looking for a sub 10 minute effort here so again, scale weights enough that you can manage it. If you can't do an L-Sit pull-up, do a dead hang or scaled equivalent.

Cash Out
Planche progression 1 min hold

Post weights and times to the FK Daily Workout forum.

Have Fun!

Saturday, 8 August 2009

FK.DW Sunday 090809

Rest Day - and you should need it after this last week's workouts!

Friday, 7 August 2009

FK.DW Saturday 080809

July saw some of the heaviest fighting in the Afghan campaign as British and allied troops fought to secure an area the size of the Isle of Wight ahead of the upcoming national elections. The operation was deemed a success but took a heavy toll in terms of British troops killed, with 22 service personnel lost throughout the country in July.

Today's workout is designed along the lines of the CrossFit heroes WODs and is meant as a tribute to all British forces working to defend the UK.

Buy In
Frog Stand - 60 seconds total

Run 800m
22 Pull-Up
22 Squats @ 60% max
22 Box Jumps
22 Ring Dips
22 Broad Jumps
22 Deadlift @ 60% Max squat (use the same bar)
22 Ring Rows
22 Back Extensions
22 Burpees
22 Double Unders
Run 800m

Cash Out
Dot Drills and Ladder work
Post times to FK.UK.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

FK.DW Friday 070809

Hey, it's 7-8-9 day so at 12:34 and 56 seconds it will be 123456789 which isn't really relevant to anything we are doing today, but I thought it was cool anyway.

Todays conditioning is short and heavy. We are looking for a sub 5 effort with a couplet of a relatively heavy weighted movement and an explosive plyometric body weight exercise.

Buy In
Max Double Unders in 2 minutes

Press: 3x5

For time;
Deadlift @ 60% Max
Clapping "Marine" Push-Ups

Scale weights accordingly. If you can't do clapping push0ups, do regular. If you don't have a regular push-up for reps, use a raised platform to reduce the percentage bodyweight being moved. No knee push-ups!

Cash Out

Post weights and times to FK.UK.

Have Fun!

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

FK.DW Thursday 060809

Looking at sprinting today, over a variety of short distances. Each distance should have a different feeling. For the two shorter distances you should be looking at working the acceleration from the start line. The two middle distances work on the transition from acceleration to all out sprinting and the 100m finale puts it all together. The minimal rest between runs also serves to work on our anaerobic endurance so it's a two for one!

Buy In
Snatch Drops 3x2

Squats 3x5

For time:
Sprint 20m/walk back. With no other rest, repeat for a total of 5 times (100m)
Sprint 40m/walk back. With no other rest, repeat for a total of 4 times (160m)
Sprint 60m/walk back. With no other rest, repeat for a total of 3 times (180m)
Sprint 80m/walk back. With no other rest, repeat for a total of 2 times (160m)
Sprint 100m (100m)
Total distance: 700m

Cash Out
Muscle Up progressions (some good information on these can be found at Beast Skills)

Post weights and times to FK.UK.

Have Fun!

Monday, 3 August 2009

FK.DW Tuesday 04082009

Today sees the first repeated conditioning session so we get to compare results to last time and
see how we are improving.

We also see a change up in the rep scheme for the strength component; instead of 5x3 we are looking at a 3x5 - Can you do less sets with more reps at the same weight as you were using for 5x3's? The total reps is the same but the physiological effect is different. Some people prefer one over the other so give it a go and post your thoughts on it to FK.

Buy In
BWLA drop warm-up with Burgener progressions

Deadlift 3x5

Tabata Front Squat @ 25% Max
Tabata Press-Up
Tabata Pull-Up
Tabata Sit-Up

Compare to 100709

Cash Out
PNF Stretching and Foam Roller work

Post weights and tabata scores to FK.UK

Have Fun!

Sunday, 2 August 2009

FK.DW Monday 030809

August sees the start of the planche progressions and features a lot of frog stand work. Master this basic element and the way is clear to the planche, the handstand (from frog if you are so inclined) and the lever. The planche, when done correctly, is another all body exercise and can take a long time to nail down so don't get discouraged if you don't move much past the Frog Stand this go round.

Buy In
Frog Stand - 30 seconds total hold

Snatch: 1x heavy single then 80% of that, 5 x 1
Clean and Jerk: 1x heavy single then 80% of that, 5 x 1

For time:
Run 250m
Run 250m

We are aiming for a time between 5-8 minutes so scale the reps accordingly. If you aren't at the level to do Pull-Ups, use bands, jumping pull-ups or ring rows as required.

Cash Out
Balance Drills #2
i: Stand on one foot with your eyes closed for 30 seconds
ii: On the same foot (with eyes open), make 1/4 turns, pausing 10 seconds on each turn
iii: On the same leg, bring the free leg up and kick to the side 10 times
iv: Repeat with the opposite leg

Post weights and times to comments or your FK.UK log.

Have Fun!