Wednesday 5 August 2009

FK.DW Thursday 060809

Looking at sprinting today, over a variety of short distances. Each distance should have a different feeling. For the two shorter distances you should be looking at working the acceleration from the start line. The two middle distances work on the transition from acceleration to all out sprinting and the 100m finale puts it all together. The minimal rest between runs also serves to work on our anaerobic endurance so it's a two for one!

Buy In
Snatch Drops 3x2

Squats 3x5

For time:
Sprint 20m/walk back. With no other rest, repeat for a total of 5 times (100m)
Sprint 40m/walk back. With no other rest, repeat for a total of 4 times (160m)
Sprint 60m/walk back. With no other rest, repeat for a total of 3 times (180m)
Sprint 80m/walk back. With no other rest, repeat for a total of 2 times (160m)
Sprint 100m (100m)
Total distance: 700m

Cash Out
Muscle Up progressions (some good information on these can be found at Beast Skills)

Post weights and times to FK.UK.

Have Fun!

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