Friday 14 August 2009

FK.DW Saturday 150809

Today's conditioning is a variation on the bear complex using a sand bag. The weight should be relatively light to allow the reps to be done quickly but with good form. If you don't have a sand bag, you can use a barbell.

Sand bags are a cheap and effective way to train. Using one works both the grip and all stabilising muscles in addition to the actual muscles moving the weight around. This is because the weight is not fixed in place like it would be with a barbell or kettle-bell, the sand is constantly shifting, forcing the body to adapt to keep the bag in place. You can buy pre-filled sand bags online, but we have found the cheapest solution to be a canvas duffel bag, some rubble sacks and a bag of builder's sand, available from any DIY store. Fill the sacks to whatever weight you desire, then add or remove them from the duffel to increase or decrease the intensity of the workout.

Buy in
BWLA/Burgener Warm-up progressions

Sand Bear complex
25 rounds for time of
Front Squat
Back Squat

All movements should be completed without a rest between, so clean to the shoulders then front squat from there. Once you come up from the squat, press the sand bag over the head. Lower to behind the neck and back squat. Press up again and then return to the start position.

Rest between rounds as needed, but try to keep moving throughout each round.

Cash Out
Dot drills.

Post times (and weight of sand bag used) to FK.UK.

Have Fun!

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